Meeting for Worship
This year is the 250th anniversary of Friends School Lisburn which first opened to pupils in 1774. The School was established by the Religious Society of Friends and Ulster Quarterly Meeting continues to this day to act as Trustees and to appoint representatives to the Board of Governors of the School.
In order to acknowledge and reflect on God’s goodness to us over the last 250 years and to begin a year of celebration, Ulster Quarterly Meeting is holding a Meeting for Worship in the manner of Friends on Sunday 1st September at 7pm in the School.
All Friends are invited to join us in worship along with other members of the school and local communities. Light refreshments will be provided in the School Dining Hall after the Meeting.
If you would like to attend, for catering purposes we would be grateful if you would contact Stephanie Grainger by email or by phone at 028 9266 2156, noting any dietary or accessibility requirements.